Friday, January 4, 2008

Things you didn't know - ISPs

Internet Service Providers urgently need to roll out the next generation of net addresses for online devices.

Every device that goes online is allocated a unique IP address but the pool of numbers is finite and due to run out around 2010.

A new system, called IPv6, has been awaiting roll out for 10 years. Unless IPv6 is switched on in the coming years, some devices might not be able to go online.

The current system, called IPv4 provides four billion addresses but the explosion in the number of devices which go online has led to the potential shortage.

IPv6 will create 340 trillion trillion trillion separate addresses, enough to satisfy demand for decades to come.

It is anticipated that in 2008 there will be a substantial increase of use of IPv6, introduced in parallel with IPv4. One complicating factor is that IPv6 and IPv4 are not compatible so ISPs will have to run the two systems in parallel - adding to costs.

In Asia, governments in China, Korea and Japan have begun to lead roll out of IPv6 and the European Union is reviewing methods to encourage adoption.

Source: 100 things we didn’t know last year by the BBC

Click here to solve all your Computer Problems!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A message from Jazmin

Hello Quilters

We really hope that you had a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New Year and that 2008brings you health, wealth and happiness.

Jazmin Patchwork & Quilting starts 2008 as the largest Quilt shop in South Africa, now with more than 2008 bolts of the finest quality imported quilting fabrics

We also now reach every part of South Africa, from Springbok to Messina, from Richards Bay to Saldanha, and from Mafeking to Aberdeen with our wonderful Mail Order service.

We send out more than 1,200 e-zine newsletters every month detailing the very latest products and information on our shop and South African quilting in general.

On a personal front, Jazmin has been appointed Chair of the Helderberg Quilter’s Guild for 2008 – she is also on the committee of the 2010 Quilt Festival to be held in Cape Town, as well as the South Africa representative for the internationally acclaimed Quilters’ News Network organization which is based in Atlanta, Georgia.

Those of you who belong to our Block of the Month (BOM) programme, will know just how wonderful it has been to receive fabrics and instructions each month and build it into a quilt masterpiece. Jazmin Patchwork & Quilting are pleased to be able to offer additional programmes for 2008 – starting off with Butterfly Kisses BOM. We shall be sending a further e-mail very soon with full details of all our BOM programmes – all designed by expert quilt designers from the US.

Our website shows an ever increasing number of fabrics, but we still have a long way to go before we are able to show the full range. However, for the very latest, look under ‘what’s new’ at the top of the ‘products’ page.

We write a blog about our life outside of quilting although new fabrics also manage to get included on this site. We also started a quilting information site a few months ago and we have lots of ideas to expand this over the coming months.

We want to continue offering you the very best choice and very best advice in everything quilting. If you have any questions or suggestions please e-mail or telephone and we’ll do our best to help

Let’s make 2008 ‘Fun to be quilting’ year!

Jazmin and John

Deal-a-Day Newsletter

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Coming back slowly

I’m waaaaaaay behind schedule on just about everything, thanks partly to lack of access to the internet from 22 December to 1 January (because we used up all of our bandwidth for December), having loads of fun, being lazy and my brain still being in R&R mode.

Our son arrived from the UK on 31 December for 2 weeks holiday and his friend arrived yesterday. His cousin from Pretoria was here for a few days - all this means that I’ve spent a large amount of my life over the past few days going to, from or at the airport! The balance has been John the taxi driver.

It’s still very much holiday season for the next few weeks although the weather could be a little better, so it really will be a case of coming back slowly to routine.

We have sooooooooooo much to do this year and most of it should be fun, and, although we’re not ones for New Year resolutions, I must try to improve communications - and regularly updating our blogs and newsletters is very high up on the list.

So, we hope you all had a great holiday and we both wish you a wonderful 2008

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Free Report

I just received a Free Report called - "The Death of NetworkMarketing"

Like you, I receive lots of junk mail and 'get rich quick' shemes - most of these end up in the bin!

I liked this report, especially the analogies between kodak and Blockbuster

have a look at the report for yourself:

copy and paste here:

copy and paste here:

Friday, November 30, 2007

Death Clock

Welcome to the Death Clock(TM), the Internet’s friendly reminder that life is slipping away…second by second. Like the hourglass of the Net, the Death Clock will remind you just how short life is.

Also calculate your BMI (Body mass index)

And links to health related articles

It doesn't cost the earth to save the planet

It doesn’t cost the Earth to save the planet

Here’s a web site that estimates how much Carbon Dioxide you are generating every year. You can now calculate your personal carbon footprint.

A Carbon Footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

If the results concern you, the site gives ways of reducing your impact on the environment. As they say, every little helps! Go to or click on the carbonfootprint link under Blogroll on the left

Things that are difficult to say when drunk

Things that are difficult to say when drunk

1. Innovative2. Preliminary3. Proliferation4. Cinnamon5. Aluminium

1. Specificity
2. Anti-constitutionalistically
3. Passive-aggressive disorder
4. Transubstantiate

1. Thanks, but I don’t want to have sex.
2. Nope, no more booze for me.
3. Sorry, but you’re not really my type.
4. Burger & chips? No thanks, I’m not hungry.
5. Good evening, officer. Isn’t it lovely out tonight?
6. Oh, I couldn’t . No one wants to hear me sing karaoke.
7. I’m not interested in fighting you.
8. Thank you, but I don’t know how to dance, I have no coordination. I’d hate to look like a fool.
9. Where is the nearest toilet? I refuse to vomit in the street.
10. I must be going home now as I have work in the morning.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Wednesday Ritual

There’s a wonderful ritual that takes place every Wednesday starting at around 0530. In the distance, the sound of a few dogs barking, the noise getting closer as more and more dogs join in the chorus. And soon, our dogs have also added their ‘voices’ to the cachophony of sound!

Yes its Wednesday rubbish/ trash/ garbage bin collection day. Well before Cape Town refuge collection services can get to our bin, we have the motley crew of people pushing supermarket trolleys and makeshift trolleys and even old prams scouring the route of the ‘official’ garbage collectors. Their job - to get there first!

Cape Town is quite innovative in South African terms for their environmental/ recycling policy. Last year during the power crisis (is the crisis over?) the council, working with Eskom, started offerering replacement low energy light bulbs/ globes for free. This year the council has decided to start a door to door recycling scheme and has distributed bags for residents to separate recyclable from non-recyclable waste. While this is certainly not on the scale of recycling in the UK (which itself is a long way behind the rest of Europe) its an excellent start, although we only received one batch of recycling bags.

We have always recycled waste - its the right thing to do! And now, we can help those unofficial collectors of other peoples junk, by compartmentalising our rubbish! I’m proud of my personal ability to be able to keep the supply of empty beer and wine bottles on the go - these must be the equivalent of garbage gold dust!

I hope that statistics don’t show that Cape Town’s recycling hasn’t worked. I’m sure it has - it will have enabled more people to transform more junk into more novelty craft items, much of which will be exported.

Microsoft Error Messages

I received this via e-mail a while ago, written by a chap called Jeremy Impey - I don’t have any further details about him:


Does anyone out there have problems with the usual Microsoft error messages?
In Japan, they have replaced these impersonal and unhelpful error messages with Haiku poetry messages. Haiku poetry has strict construction rules - each poem has only 17 syllables; 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, 5 in the third. They are used to communicate a timeless message, often achieving a wistful, yearning and powerful insight through extreme brevity…

The Web site you seekCannot be located, butCountless more exist.

Windows NT crashed.I am the Blue Screen of Death.No one hears your screams.

Your file was so big.It might have been useful.But now it is gone.

A crash reducesYour expensive computerTo a simple stone.

Chaos reigns within.Reflect, repent, and reboot.Order shall return.

Yesterday it worked.Today it is not working.Windows is like that.

Stay the patient course.Of little worth is your ire.The network is down

Questions about South Africa

These questions about South Africa were posted on a South African Tourism Website and were answered by the website owner.

Q: Does it ever get windy in South Africa ? I have never seen it rain on TV, so how do the plants grow? ( UK)A: We import all plants fully grown and then just sit around watching them die.

Q: Will I be able to see elephants in the street? (USA)A: Depends how much you’ve been drinking.

Q: I want to walk from Durban to Cape Town - can I follow the railroad tracks? ( Sweden)A: Sure, it’s only two thousand kilometres take lots of water…

Q: Is it safe to run around in the bushes in South Africa? ( Sweden)A: So it’s true what they say about Swedes.

Q: Are there any ATMs (cash machines) in South Africa? Can you send me a list of them in JHB, Cape Town, Knysna and Jeffrey’s Bay? ( UK)A: What did your last slave die of?

Q: Can you give me some information about Koala Bear racing in South Africa? (USA )A: Aus-tra-lia is that big island in the middle of the pacific. A-fri-ca is the big triangle shaped continent south of Europe which does not…. ohforget it. Sure, the Koala Bear racing is everyTuesday night in Hillbrow. Come naked.

Q: Which direction is north in South Africa? ( USA)A: Face south and then turn 90 degrees. Contact us when you get here and we’ll send the rest of the directions.

Q: Can I bring cutlery into South Africa? ( UK)A: Why? Just use your fingers like we do.

Q: Can you send me the Vienna Boys’ Choir schedule? ( USA)A: Aus-tri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-man-y, which is…oh forget it. Sure, the Vienna Boys Choir plays every Tuesday night in Hillbrow, straight after the Koala Bear races. Come naked.

Q: Do you have perfume in South Africa? ( France)A: No, WE don’t stink.

Q: I have developed a new product that is the fountain of youth. Can you tell me where I can sell it in South Africa? ( USA)A: Anywhere significant numbers of Americans gather.

Q: Can you tell me the regions in South Africa where the female population is smaller than the male population? ( Italy)A: Yes, gay nightclubs.

Q: Do you celebrate Christmas in South Africa ? ( France)A: Only at Christmas.

Q: Are there killer bees in South Africa? ( Germany)A: Not yet, but for you, we’ll import them.

Q: Are there supermarkets in Cape Town and is milk available all year round? ( Germany)A: No, we are a peaceful civilisation of vegan hunter-gatherers. Milk is illegal.

Q: Please send a list of all doctors in South Africa who can dispense rattlesnake serum. USA)A: Rattlesnakes live in A-meri-ca, which is where YOU come from. All South African snakes are perfectly harmless, can be safely handled and make good pets.

Q: I was in South Africa in 1969, and I want to contact the girl I dated while I was staying in Hillbrow. Can you help? (USA )A: Yes, and you will still have to pay her by the hour.

Q: Will I be able to speek English most places I go? (USA )A: Yes, but you’ll have to learn it first